Being the second year captain of the Freedom High School precision Drumline, I have had the privilege to play alongside many talented young musicians. I particularly remember the day our percussion instructor asked where we each took lessons; 14 of 16 said the California Drum Shop, as well as mostly being under the instruction of Todd Schied.
Todd is the teacher for any level student. He will mentor young kids who wish to become aspiring percussionists as well as experienced adults who wish to add some style or new ideas to their palette. Todd can find the relationship between any person and their music, making him one of the greatest teachers and musicians out there.
- Jimmy
I have seen such a positive change in my son since he has been going to California Drums, Todd is the best
- Mr C.
I moved here from Texas in sixth grade not knowing anything about drums or music for that matter. I needed a group of friends to chill with and my middle school band seemed like the easiest way to do that. The only problem was that i didn't play an instrument. I went to the drums shop for lessons only two weeks before seventh grade band camp started and on my first real audition made the snare line.I quickly became head drummer, have won numerous solo awards in jazz competitions, I play in two bands outside of school and I recently made it into the Liberty High School band. The drum shop helped make me the drummer I am today and the drummer I am today is someone I never thought I could be.P.S. I met someone from Julliard the other day.
- Sam S.
I am Jordan G.'s grandfather. For some time prior to Jordan starting drum lessons, I noticed that he was tapping on things. I asked him what was he doing and he said, “I don't know”. But I knew. Jordan had the beat. He had the rhythym. I felt that the beat that Jordan was trying to bring out could be best be displayed in the drums.
I called around and got prices and talked to some band people in the schools about California Drums. And they said that here was the place to start young people to learn drums like Jordan. Jordan has been taking Drum lessons now for over a year and I couldn't recommend a better place for some to get training or a better atmosphere. It's a low keyed type learning that the kids like. and the kids love the instructors who make it fun to learn. Where the students want to keep coming back. Thanks John for making the drums so interesting for Jordan. He looks forward to going to lessons at California Drums with John each and every week. Thanks.
- Gary R.
Walking into California Drum Shop, for me, is like walking into a big well of inspiration.
- Stephanie R.
Every Tuesday when i get home from my day at school i can't wait for drum lessons. Drum lessons helped me get my title as the drum caption in my eighth grade year at Broughal Middle School. It has also helped me get my other title as runner up for band president next year!
- Cody M.
The California Drum Shop has been terrific throughout my son's drumming experience. We purchased our first set from the shop and it was the perfect starter set.
We were very fortunate to get an awesome teacher like Todd, who not only shows Brett how to continue to improve but does it in a way that he always looks forward to his drum lessons.This is saying a lot because Brett is not a fan of spending an hour doing much else.
We are fortunate to have such a resource in the Lehigh Valley....When we were recently out of the area Brett was asked, while at another music store, where he took lessons. When he mentioned California Drum Shop, the other shop manager said that it was the "Best drum shop within hours"...did I mention that they also sold drums!
Thanks to Todd, John and of course Moses for all the help you have given to Brett and most of all for keeping it fun!
- Ed B (Dad of Brett B)
I was always a shy nerdy kid when I was younger. I started taking drum lessons with Todd when I was in the 6th grade. Learning how to play the drums at California Drum Shop helped me come out of my shell and be more outgoing. I always look forward coming to my weekly lessons at California Drum Shop!
- Allison B.
My son Jakob started lessons at the California Drum Shop a little over a month ago. Jakob suffers from Asberger's Syndrome, a high functioning form of autism. I thought that drum lessons or some type of music lesson would help build social skills as well as help with coordination. Since starting lessons Jakob has been doing a phenomenal job socially with his peers, I believe due to a new confidence he's developed by having a unique skill.
Jakob loves to go to his lessons & his happiness spills over right into me !!! Thanks to John & The California Drum Shop Staff for building confidence & skill in Jakob !!! You guys are "The Best" !
- The Ravens
California Drum Shop is an awesome laid back place for people to learn how to discover their gift for music.
- Meghan S.
We are grateful to have found the California Drum Shop. When our five year old showed interest in learning how to play the drums, we searched for a place that would take the time to teach him. To our surprise, several of the more ‘known’ shops would not teach him until he was much older.
When we found California Drum Shop we knew that we had stumbled across a place that took drums seriously yet was down to earth and more than willing to teach a five year old. Gavin’s age was never a question. His instructor, Todd, takes the time to work with him and is adept at keeping him focused, something we as his parents find amazing. Gavin looks forward to his weekly lessons, so much so that we’re finding it hard to get him to practice at home. He simply states that it’s more fun to play at the California Drum Shop.
Keep up the great work, grow but don’t change a thing.
- Keith & Stephanie C.
I highly recommend the California Drum Shop!
I like the fun and relaxed atmosphere.
- Annette T.
We love the California Drum Shop! My son, Jake, enjoys his drum lessons with Todd so much. While he takes teaching very seriously, Todd possesses that rare quality that allows him to connect with the kids, make the lessons fun, and truly, effectively teach! He's awesome and we just love him! Thanks Drum Shop!
- Carla and Jake Y.
Josh enjoys his guitar lessons. Gus makes the lessons fun by allowing him to pick and learn to play current music that he enjoys.
- Mrs. R. - mom of Josh age 13.
Taking lessons at the California Drum Shop was the best decision I've made in my musical career. I've learned so much about playing drums, and had a lot of fun while doing it.
- Steve S.
We are extremely pleased by CJ's experience with his teacher, John, and all the staff at CA Drum Shop!
The lessons are grand as he is always progressing, but what has really been a pleasant surprise is how much fun he is having. His rapport with John and the ambiance of the shop make it one of CJ's highlights of the week.
- Bob & Joyce B.
Our two sons have been taking lessons for two years with Jon and Tim, two of the coolest and most talented people we've come to know. Not only have our kids learned in leaps and bounds, the engaging attitude of the instructors and overall atmosphere of the California Drum Shop makes it a really comfortable and friendly place to be.We've gotten to know the other instructors as well, who are quite willing to hang out and chat when they have a few minutes. Plus all the pretzels you can eat! If you want great lessons, great vibe and motivated students, the California Drum Shop can't be beat.
- Chris and Patricia H.